Halloween 24 Limited Edition
Halloween 24 Limited Edition


Celebrate Halloween with our four-legged friends? With Dolci Impronte, now you can!

Here are the masterpieces of Dolci Impronte®, handmade one by one in the Dolci Impronte lab by our pastry chefs.
As a result, our items are always slightly different from one another, making them even more exclusive!

Complementary food for companion animals.
Serve at room temperature, providing 10% of the daily food intake, with fresh and abundant water. Store in a cool, dry place. Shelf life before opening: 8 months from the production date. Check the ingredients before use in case of known allergies.

Halloween mit unseren vierbeinigen Freunden feiern? Mit Dolci Impronte ist das jetzt möglich!

Hier sind die Meisterwerke von Dolci Impronte®, handgefertigt - eines nach dem anderen - im Dolci Impronte Labor von unseren Konditoren.
Unsere Artikel sind daher immer leicht unterschiedlich, was sie noch exklusiver macht!

Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Heimtiere.
Bei Raumtemperatur servieren und 10% der täglichen Futterration zusammen mit frischem und reichlich Wasser anbieten. An einem kühlen, trockenen Ort lagern. Haltbarkeit vor dem Öffnen: 8 Monate ab Produktionsdatum. Überprüfen Sie die Zutaten vor der Verwendung im Falle bekannter Allergien.

Célébrer Halloween avec nos amis à quatre pattes ? Avec Dolci Impronte, c’est désormais possible !

Voici les chefs-d'œuvre de Dolci Impronte®, faits à la main - un par un - dans le laboratoire Dolci Impronte par nos pâtissiers.
Nos articles sont donc toujours légèrement différents les uns des autres, ce qui les rend encore plus exclusifs !

Aliment complémentaire pour animaux de compagnie.
Servir à température ambiante, en respectant 10 % de la ration quotidienne avec de l'eau fraîche et abondante. Conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Durée de conservation avant ouverture : 8 mois à compter de la date de production. Vérifiez les ingrédients avant l’utilisation en cas d’allergies connues

There are 5 products.

Dolci Impronte - Le Cremoselle Natural Topping - Pack of 6 Pumpkin Carrot Jars - 125gr EN_Le Cremoselle by Dolci Impronte, the natural Topping with fresh ingredients to make the croquettes even tastier and more appetizing!With Le Cremoselle we make feeding our faithful friends a tasty and healthy experience; We are passionate about the well-being of our...

LIMITED EDITION Dolci Impronte - Tray 15 pcs Halloween Trick or Treat 270gEN Hand-decorated, one by one, here are the "trick or treat?" cookies.Complementary food for adult dogs. Features: shortcrust pastry biscuit, decorated.Composition: cereal flour (soft wheat), fructose, vegetable margarine, pasteurized eggs, sucrose, glucose syrup, honey, vegetable...

EN  Dolci Impronte - Halloween Witchy Treats 8 pieces 310g - Limited Edition  Hand-decorated, one by one, here are the Dolci Impronte handmade cookies with bat, pumpkin, ghost, and wizard hat designs.  Complementary food for adult dogs. Features: shortcrust pastry biscuit, decorated.  Composition: cereal flour (soft wheat), fructose, vegetable margarine,...

ENDolci Impronte - Tray 12 pcs Halloween Frightful Frollies pieces 230g - Limited Edition  For Halloween, 12 handmade biscuits created one by one by our pastry chefs.  Complementary food for adult dogs. Features: shortcrust pastry biscuit, decorated.  Composition: cereal flour (soft wheat), fructose, vegetable margarine, pasteurized eggs, sucrose, glucose...

EN Dolci Impronte - Halloween - Witchy Paws 100g - Limited Edition  Celebrate Halloween with five handmade and individually decorated cookies from Dolci Impronte.  Complementary food for adult dogs. Features: shortcrust pastry biscuit, decorated.  Composition: cereal flour (soft wheat), fructose, vegetable margarine, pasteurized eggs, sucrose, glucose...

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items